Determine an Artificial Bag is Authentic Designer Handbag or not

Artificial Bag
Artificial Bag

In fact, Fashion is an industry prone to plagiarism. Thus, in some countries, selling fake fashion goods is considered a crime.

The rise of sales of clothing, footwear, handbags and counterfeit goods have been troubling the designers, especially those selling online. In the U.S., sales surge in counterfeit branded goods via online reached 42 percent in 2010. And growth is expected to be higher.

Piracy and counterfeiting of goods is generally the well-known brands such as Chanel, Louis Vitton and Tiffany. As a result of counterfeiting, manufacturers of fashion is ever sued number of parties who sell fake goods as their brand online.

Angie Houston, founder, a website that offers designer handbags and other designer goods call for a dozen years increasingly difficult to distinguish where the original and counterfeit goods. Still, there are some disadvantages of designer goods 'lame'. "There is no bag that can actually mimic the original," he said as quoted by Shine.

He thinks there are some things that can be explored to determine an artificial bag is authentic designer handbag or not. Here are some of determine an artificial bag is authentic designer handbag or not:

- Hardware
Zippers, clasps and and closing, should all have the same color, except the artificial Chloe bags, which often makes use of complementary-colored mixture. Make sure the zipper open and close smoothly.

- Stitching, shape and symmetry
Branded bags are generally not glued, except maybe your wallet. The original Louis Vuitton handbags usually use the monogram canvas, and the symbols are usually sewn like a mirror on the right and left. Gucci and Fendi also started doing the same thing since taken over by LVMH. Make sure the bag you see a pattern and the same shape as design drawings by designer.

- Writing and logo
Logo writing the correct spelling, each carving or writing arise (emboss) should look neat and accurate. Instruction book has no misspellings or photocopied.

- The smell of leather
Bag from genuine leather skin should have a scent, not glue, rubber or chemicals.

- Stay away from websites 'seller designer handbags'
Many manufacturers of bags that have their own outlets and online stores. If you see a website that is run not by the producers themselves, worth very expensive and can buy multiple pieces at once, be careful.

- Price
Be careful when viewing the price of the bag. If the original branded handbags usually Rp7-10 millions, but if someone offers a cheaper price, the bag can be sure that you buy a fake.

Fashion of British Star

Shona McGarty
Shona McGarty

Event of Inside Soap Awards 2011 enlivened by a number of young British star who reportedly is ready to replace Kim Kardashian, Beyonce Knowles, and a long list of other names. Who British star looks like?

Earlier this week, peak evening awards Inside Soap Awards 2011 was startled by the appearance of a line of talented young artists who look stunning London. They like competing to show the most beautiful gown of all time.

Starting with a group of stars, starring Jacqueline Walford Jossa, Shona McGarty, and Danielle Harold is ready to pose on the red carpet event held on the stage Gilmesh, London.

Jacqueline Jossa (18), who plays Lauren Branning, looked stunning in a short black dress and towering red high heels designer Vera Wang. While Danielle Harold who is also aged 18 years, actress Lola Pearce, dispose of masculine style for a very sexy dress asymmetrical black holes at the waist and high heels ala Mary Jane.

Unlike the characters portraying in the film, Shona McGarty (19), looks very pretty in her cream-colored chiffon dress fashion design house Paccini, paired with matching heels with a slight yellow color accents, and long wavy hair that is broken down around her shoulders.

Pose the three intentionally separated even though they come together. This is done for a decent personal images on display for one of five awards at this event.

Other artists the opportunity to "fight" the girls cast Corronation Street above is Brooke Vincent and Sacha Parkinson who appeared in a dress themed sapphire stones.

Brooke (19), who plays Sophie Webster in the movie, appears wearing slinky little black dress that showcased her curves. She looks much different from the character of portraying troubled teens because clever "play" on a slightly developed hairdo and make-up made sexy.

Meanwhile, Sacha (19), who acted as her lesbian lover Sian Powers, choosing long-necked red dress from the Channel. This dress makes it look very mature.

Furthermore, there is Michelle Keegan's most steals the attention because she was wearing a dress. Naturally, if he had been named as the Sexiest Female in three years.

24 years old artist who has been engaged to Max George's look good with black ruched dress while posing while holding such an award.

When compared with the style of Hollywood celebrities, the young players from England almost able to match their makeup. Llike Chelsee Healey that seems inspired by the style of dress Beyonce Knowles.

She appeared wearing a short dress of materials combined with the flickering Jersey swarovski crystals. Her curls, she let loose so that it displays the sexy 19-year-old woman.

British fashion observer who is also editor of Inside Soap, Ella Joana, say, looks almost like Beyonce Chelsee.

"Just a little more mature, she can be as successful as her idol," she said.

Then, there is Ella Ryan who look nice using a short knee-length dress paired with black silhouette lines in the chest. This dress mentioned similar to the dress once worn Kim Kardashian.

Maybe she is a big fan of Kim, has not been established. What is clear, wavy hair flowing long enough to enchant thousands of pairs of eyes who attended the event.

As for which is equally interesting is the attention of Nicola McLean. She wore elegant long white dress fashion designer Alexander McQueen's house.

This style looks oriented style of Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge, who liked to explore on the touch line which is simple yet elegant.

Sarah Jessica Parker leg health cause her Stiletto

Sarah Jessica Parker stiletto
Sarah Jessica Parker stiletto

Since for long time running with a stiletto, Sarah Jessica Parker seems to have noticed her leg health. Appear, the main character "S3x and the City" (SATC) is exhibiting a full foot decorated hierarchically varices.

The 46-year-old actress seems to spit her body toned and youthful appearance in one-shoulder gown Stella McCartney at a gala event in New York. But the widened blood vessels in the legs gives the impression of a less flattering to her appearance.

Starring Carrie Bradshaw in SATC is indeed happy to wear Manolo Blahnik high heels. In 2008, a woman who was familiarly called SJP (Sarah Jessica Parker) admitted that her habit had damaged her leg.

"I basically just destroyed my feet. So now they (foot) did not feel anything. I have no feeling in my feet," she quoted from Dailymail, Monday (September 26, 2011).

At the Ballet's 2011 Fall Gala, New York City, Sarah Jessica Parker pose with Stella McCartney's girlfriend, Naomi Watts, and Jessica Seinfield.

The days of Parker's last few days caught up with her ​​baby is adorable, the twins Tabitha and Marion.

Sarah Jessica Parker was busy promoting her new movie "I Do not Know How She Does It", but also has discussed the possibility of the film "S3x and the City" last series.

"I never gamble, but it may have come within a point of time, not in the near future, but in a few moments, where we might find time to tell the last story about the S3x and the City," she explained.

Sarah Jessica Parker also said that she thinks S3x and the City prequel follows the lives of Carrie Bradshaw as a teenager, is the moment of the 'beautiful'.

"I am always very touched to see how the communities affected by Carrie and her someone attractive and growing interest. So I think it's very interesting and very beautiful," she concluded.

Kanye West working on Fashion Labels

Kanye West fashion
Kanye West fashion

Kanye West, American rapper was seriously working on fashion labels. This was demonstrated by its commitment to enliven the Paris Fashion Week show. Kanye West on Paris stage appearance will be his debut, as well as exams to enter the fashion world.

For that, Kanye West prepares his collection to the fullest. According to Vogue magazine, Kanye West has been holding a British designer, Katie Eary, to help him as a creative consultant. Kanye West is not the first celebrity to try to get into the fashion world.

Victoria Beckham, Gwen Stefani, Beyonce Knowles, Avril Lavigne, and Sarah Jessica Parker are some celebrities who have proven that they can compete with the designer fashion school background.

Branding Expert Team Jeffrey said that the celebrity fashion business is just an extension of their popularity.

"If they fall in popularity, it is not impossible brand they will also fall," said Jeffrey.

"It would be nice if they actually know what they will do with the brand they have in the future," said Jeffrey.

Meanwhile, Bruce Ross, President and CEO of Celebrity Fashion Group, a marketing consulting firm, to assess success and failure of a fashion brand is not rooted in one's popularity, but originality.

"Consumers are not easily fooled, they will not necessarily fall asleep with a big name. Consumers can judge whether the collection of celebrities are original or not," he said.

Ross pointed out Gwen Stefani and Beyonce Knowles successful nail stuck in the realm of fashion.

"They have a unique style that makes people want to emulate their style and it is the strength of their fashion brand," said Ross.

"Stefani's LAMB is also not only represent Stefani's style but has been transformed as a symbol of American harajuku style," he continued.

As for Beyonce present House of Dereon as a form of tribute to her grandmother, Agnes Dereon, who was a tailor in the 1920s.

Therefore, House of Dereon collection of vintage-style, combined with the sensuous tastes of the typical Beyonce. However, Ross said, not all celebrities have strong concepts related to their fashion business. Many also take advantage of the moment of moral hazard.

"Take for example the Kardashian sisters," said Ross, referring to the label Kardashian Collection is now sold in Sears department store network.

Lara Stone photo in GQ magazine

Lara Stone
Lara Stone

Appear vulgar is nothing new to Lara Stone. After a few times in action nud3 in famous fashion magazines, she is now showing off her curves and flirty. This time, Lara Stone the Dutchman model appeared no clothes in GQ magazine.

Supermodel who has become the iconic Calvin Klein and Givenchy were not ashamed to show action while posing nud3. Precisely British comedian David Williams's wife was seen enjoying every moment that lasts.

However, Lara Stone revealed that she found it difficult to cope with the pressure as a model when condemned by fans on social networks, related actions are pleased to pose nak3d.

When she posed for GQ magazine photo shoot, Lara Stone admitted will be clothing with just a fur coat, it does to maintain decorum.

In front of the camera, Lara Stone gave a fleeting look naughty poses with poses showing off sexy pout. On the other pose, she's covering her breasts with fur coat while posing on the beach.

However, winning the title of "Woman of the Year" version of GQ magazine, admits struggling with negative comments about her appearance.

"It hurts when you're having a tough day and someone said, 'She's so ugly, I will not let my dog ​​near her," said Lara was quoted Dailymail, Friday (September 23, 2011).

Photo Model born December 20, 1983 is also talking about one of Calvin Klein ads, when it was driving the Bentley convertible.

"I can not drive. The car was mounted on the truck, and I should be driving. It's hard to drive it when my hair was tied up. We ended up not taking photos of the action, and it was perfect, except my hands have never been on the steering wheel. I feel like idiot," she explained.

Like the other models who take part in the film industry, Lara Stone also said she wanted to be involved into the acting.

A source says, "The name Lara Stone has been touted in a casting meeting for Austin Powers 4, and there is talk that the boss wants to make it for a screen test, especially after she talked about comedy."