Fashionable with Batik

[caption id="attachment_26" align="alignright" width="236" caption="Batik"][/caption]Batik can look fashionable and follow the trends. With the equivalent of a fitting, batik dress is simple can seem charming.

Batik with the beauty motifs and styles are the main attraction. With such flexibility, batik become increasingly interested clothing choices in the community, especially the woman while attending various events.

The evolution of batik from time to time is increasingly compelling.

Batik Fashionable

Lindsay Lohan wearing Tank top

[caption id="attachment_22" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Lindsay Lohan"][/caption]Be success in the entertainment make the privacy of artists seem transparent, even can be seen anyone. The same transparency with a black tank top worn Lindsay Lohan.

Upon entering the restaurant Mr. Chow, Beverly Hills, to eat on Thursday (11 / 8 / 2011) local time, Lindsay Lohan was showing off more skin than they should. From behind a tank top made ??from thin and without a bra, women who

Lindsay Lohan Tank top

Celebrities with expensive Hair Care costs

[caption id="attachment_17" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Rihanna Hairstyle"][/caption]Almost celebrities always into the public spotlight in every opportunity. So that they feel obliged to look in the best condition. Hairstyle is one of the celebrity attention.

They did not hesitate to spend alot of money for a trendy hair appearance. How much is spent celebrities for their hair style?

Here are list celebrities with expensive hair care costs, quoted from The

Celebrities Hair Care

Mel C give Criticism to Fashion Style of Rihanna

[caption id="attachment_13" align="alignright" width="201" caption="Rihanna Fashion"][/caption]Melanie Chisholm personnel Spice Girl admitted fan of Rihanna voice. But for the fashion style of Rihanna, former Spice Girl is not happy because too sexy.

According to the actress who often greeted Mel C, the dress code may affect the fans of Rihanna among teenagers. Rihanna should be able to show his responsibility as a singer who was loved. Dailymail So that was launched on Thursday

Fashion Style of Rihanna